Petting Puppies and Happily Ever After Fireworks Feels

A Star Wars themed welcome event, getting Cast Member discounts in Starbucks, petting puppies, and watching the Happily Ever After Fireworks in Magic Kingdom. Honestly, what is my life?

Today is my second day off during my third week living in Walt Disney World, Orlando. I’m now earning my ears for my boss, Mickey Mouse, in my role at Epcot’s Rose & Crown (U.K. Pavilion). I can’t wait to write about my week in training to be a Cast Member, which will be published real soon!

On Tuesday evening I clocked off work for my first couple of days off and headed to Chatham Square (Disney Housing) for my program welcome event. I went with a Canadian girl who I’d randomly spoken to the week before, and I met her friends too. We had the BEST time dancing with hundreds of other Cast Members in the middle of a field, had bottomless free dominoes, and you could even meet Star Wars characters too! We then ended the night strolling through Disney Springs.

Yesterday, my friend Allie and I went on a spontaneous half hour drive to the most magical place separate from Disney – Just Puppies. I’d seen Instagram posts about 6 months ago, and I HAD to go. It’s a puppy store where you can obviously buy puppies, but you’re more than welcome to go in and have a half hour play and cuddle session too!


There were so many cute puppies in lovely little pens, waiting to be loved! It broke my heart to walk away from them, but it was amazing to be able to give them attention for even the shortest amount of time.

After a jam session to The Greatest Showman soundtrack in the car ride back with Allie, I was ready for an evening at Disney’s Magic Kingdom. It was the night I’d been waiting for. I was going to watch the Happily Ever After Fireworks.

I went with a new friend I made at the welcome event, and I met some of his friends too! The thing about moving so far away on your own, and having one HUGE thing in common with everyone around you, is that you will talk to absolutely anyone and everyone. I have never experienced a place with such diverse cultures and opportunities to learn about countries around the world all in one area.


We grabbed a Starbucks on Magic Kingdom’s Main Street USA, walked under Cinderella’s Castle, hopped on the People Mover in Tomorrowland, giggled our way through Monster Inc’s laugh floor, and got ready for the show that was making my heart beat go faster just at the thought of it.

I got split up from the others, so I ended up standing alone with a PERFECT spot for Happily Ever After. My goodness, did I cry. It was absolutely stunning. I knew exactly what the fireworks and projections on Cinderella’s Castle were going to be due to YouTube, but it didn’t matter at all. It was as if I was seeing it with brand new eyes. I sobbed and smiled my way through it, and it felt as if there were no crowds or thousands of people around me. I was completely happy. I felt infinite.


Concluding the night with a fantastic 30 minute wait for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, I was in awe at my day.

I’m living my dream, and every day is precious.



2 thoughts on “Petting Puppies and Happily Ever After Fireworks Feels

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  1. Lauren what a day! What a week!! Reading your blog and watching the video, i truly understand how you felt watching Happliy Ever After!!! 😍🇺🇸❤️😎 so happy you are living every day to the fullest! Especially on your days/nights off xx
    Love hearing from you.,


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