Waving Goodbye to Friends Who Finish Their Disney Program Before You

Walt Disney World is one of the most culturally diverse places you could ever visit. Cast Members, families, and guests from all over the globe are all sharing the magic. On the DCRP, I have met so many people with different accents, religions, backgrounds, and dreams. It’s all a part of the adventure, and it’s sometimes very difficult to deal with when you have to part ways with the friends you make.

Over the 3 months that I’ve been here, I became insanely good friends with one of my roommates: Miss Allie Holt. Her program finished last week, and my heart broke a little. Who am I kidding? It broke a hell of a lot. Being from Washington State, and attending college in Minnesota, Allie is one of those people that radiates pure sunshine. We shared breakfast outings, smoothie searches, and my first EVER visit to Target. We completed the 12 hour long ‘4 Parks 1 Day’ challenge, and she was the first person I wanted to see after a long day at work. From singing karaoke in the car, to learning each other’s slang, we laughed every minute we were together. Allie, if you’re reading this, I wish you nothing but laughter now that you’ve finished your Disney College Program. You deserve EVERYTHING good in this world! I promise! I’ll see you real soon, okay?!

I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to share several days this summer with my UK Cultural Exchange Program friends. Mike, Gary, George, Emily, and the gang, made me laugh SO hard on evenings in the park and sing-a-longs to Fantasmic. Mike had never been to Walt Disney World before his program began, so it has been an unreal pleasure sharing many of his first magical moments (I’m sorry you endured Rock’n’Rollercoaster for me!). I’m going to miss them very much when they leave! You have all made magic which will last a lifetime. I know Walt is proud of the wishing you’ve done and lengths you’ve gone to work hard in his footsteps! I will always be here, encouraging you to come visit!

Even though goodbyes are hard, you have to appreciate all the memories you make with people on this program. They will last forever! I have loved EVERY second spent with my precious friends, and to have done that in the place where dreams come true is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Also, it’s okay not to be okay! You’re allowed to feel upset, and it’s normal to feel lonely. Whatever you do, do not sit around and become permanently sad. Make sure you carry on doing all the things you enjoyed doing before they left, otherwise you’ll lose yourself in the fact they’ve moved back home.

You have to remember that you will meet SO MANY people when you live halfway across the world. You are going to become so independent, and that gives you the freedom to choose who you want to hang around with. There will always be more people to meet, more cultures to learn, and more friends to make.

I am forever grateful to have met these dreamers and to have been a part of their journey. Now go. Let your dreams guide you. Reach out and find your Happily Ever After.

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