Flying Solo to Washington DC

My heart is heavily attached to how much pride I feel when I travel. I feel a sense of overbearing passion, and achievement for myself. It’s soul-cleansing. It gives my mind a clean slate. After a hectic holiday period, and turning 21, I whisked myself away to the capital: Washington DC.

Tuesday January 8th, I flew from Orlando (MCO), with a stop in New Jersey/New York (EWR), and soared my way into Washington DC (DCA). The sun shone down on the Washington monument, greeting me with glory as the plane glided into the welcoming city.


The sun had followed me from Orlando, but my goodness it was FREEZING cold! After dropping my stuff into the Airbnb in Washington’s Columbia Heights neighbourhood, full of colourful houses and friendly dogs, I jumped on the metro towards the National Mall (No, it’s not an expensive shopping centre!).


The National Mall is a 1.9 mile stretch of national park, home to the most famous monuments, such as the Lincoln Memorial, and the Capitol Building. I squealed in delight as the icons towered above me with all their power. It really is a sight to see.

I took a trek up towards The White House, home of the US President Donald Trump – not my president! It was stunning, and very, very well guarded. I swear Washington is the safest city I’ve ever visited, due to its high security everywhere you go! I actually returned later that evening, and saw a peaceful protest for the 177th night in a row, by an ever-growing group of individuals.

After some well-needed sleep that night, I woke up to my first full day in DC. I decided to go to the ‘Newseum’. It’s basically a museum all about journalism, and the media in America, and the world. It’s right up my street.

After a few hours spent picking my brain and absorbing interesting facts about journalism of the past, present, and future, I began walking up to Capitol Hill.


Capitol Hill is known as ‘the seat of the US Government’. It’s where the House, Senates, and Supreme Court come together. After I’d gazed in awe at the beautiful building, my ears started ringing with the sounds of a dozen sirens coming towards me.

I’m not kidding, it seemed to be a never-ending entourage swarming the streets of Capitol Hill. Trump was here. He literally pulled up in my eye-sight, and ran up the steps with his tacky hair waving in the wind. I’d just seen the President. The funny thing is, I actually ended up on ITV News in the U.K. that night, as the meeting was reported on TV! You can see my Rapunzel backpack and my yellow coat in the background. It was quite a day.


On my last full day, I looked miniature underneath the Lincoln Memorial. I sat on the steps where Martin Luther King Jr stood in triumph, projecting his “I Have a Dream” speech to thousands, in a fight for equality of race. It was so fulfilling knowing I’d been where such a historical event had taken place. So much hope, energy, and peace channelled through those steps.

I also saw the famous Reflecting Pool, and MLK Jr’s memorial site. Washington is full of so much history, and beauty. I walked for an hour to get to the Library of Congress, and the Supreme Court. Ending my day with a walk under the tunnels of the Capitol Building.

Another thing I love about travelling to new places, is the local culture. Washington DC is so admirable, and delicate in it’s hospitality. I always get very excited to try local restaurants – which I did!

I knew I was going to have a happy stomach by the end of my trip after I stumbled across Washington’s ONLY Grilled Cheese Bar: GCDC. Their short rib grilled cheese was the best I’ve ever had in my life. If you know me, you’ll know I absolutely adore cheese. So I had high hopes, which were fulfilled!

A 10 minute walk from my Airbnb was a wonderfully humble breakfast delicacy, The Coupe. There, I indulged on their vegan-friendly coconut french toast. The chef, ex-cook of the local hockey team Washington Capitals, actually made his signature dish for the lactose intolerant members of the team. Pretty cool, and extremely delicious!

My third and final experiment with the local cuisine was spent in 14th Street’s Ted Bulletin, where they serve alcoholic milkshakes and freshly made pop tarts daily. Oh, and ALL DAY breakfast. Was I in heaven? The toasted coconut rum milkshake I had sure made my taste buds feel like it.

Washington DC is one of the best cities I’ve EVER visited. It’s friendliness, history, and culture will never leave my mind. It was my first solo trip on my program, and won’t be my last. I loved every second. Thanks, DC! See you soon, Orlando.


6 thoughts on “Flying Solo to Washington DC

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  1. Great post! The newseum
    sounds great I love the movie The Post with Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep so much I’ve given it a big feature in my dissertation:), never been to Washington DC it looks fantastic, glad you had fun!


  2. Lauren fantastic writing as always. I wanted to wait until I could sit and read it and not just quickly. It didn’t disappoint. As usual I feel like I am there with you. Thanks for sharing your experience 😘


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