There’s Life After Completing Your Biggest Dream?

Did that REALLY just happen?

Over 12 months later, and I’m sitting at my desk in my British bedroom, trying to make any sense of the life I just lived. I am seriously struggling to find the words to talk about how I just completed the U.K. Disney Cultural Representative Program 2018-2019. It makes me hysterically laugh a little. I just worked at Walt Disney World for a whole year… It’s INSANE!

When I flew from Toronto, Canada, to Manchester, U.K., I felt ready. When I got home, I kept saying, “This is so weird!”. It was almost as if nothing had changed. The last two weeks have been filled with seeing my loved ones, spending time with my boyfriend (yay for no long distance!), and inhaling as much British cuisine as possible. By cuisine I mean roast dinners, takeaway curry, Nando’s, co-op meal deals, and my dad’s spectacular cooking. I’m full of love, and food!

A pattern I’ve noticed is that a lot of people ask, “How was it?”. What on Earth am I meant to say to that? It was the most wonderful, magical, exhausting, unreal year of my life. I went on 19 plane journeys. I visited five new states and another country. I had a total of 12 different roommates over the year. I ate a stupid amount of churros. I got into the Disney parks for free. I had a Universal Orlando resort annual pass – including Volcano Bay. I said, “Have a magical day!” to all my guests and truly meant it. I spent every day soaking in the Floridian sunshine, or scrambling for shelter during a spontaneous thunderstorm. It was the craziest time ever.


I don’t have a clue what I’m going to do next, but that’s okay. I’m a bright 21-year-old, I know that my Disney program won’t be the end of all my dreams. It was all I’d ever wanted, which was really scary to process as it came to an end. I also don’t want people to assume what I’m going to do with my life. It’s my life to live. For now, I’m enjoying the relaxation I fully deserve. It was a fantastic year, but it was hard, too. It’s blissful that I can walk downstairs and know that my family are physically there. I’ve seen my boyfriend pretty much every day, as we were so sick of being attached to our phones every minute that I was gone. I can have a lie-in without feeling guilty, or that I’m not spending every waking second doing something amazing. I can chill out. I’ve got the time to dream again. Yeah… it’s a LOT of mixed emotions. My Disney playlist is on repeat. 

I’ve finally applied for my provisional drivers license, as I need to learn to drive. My friends are currently finishing their programs over the summer, and will be heading home to an eager Lauren who’s desperate to be reunited! I want to read more books, as I love reading. I’m going to update my CV, with The Walt Disney Company taking pride place as my biggest achievement. If you need me, I’ll be trying to adapt to life outside of the Disney bubble, as I tone down my Cast Member enthusiasm for the scousers.

Life goes on. Walt Disney World continues to grow, and create magic. And, so will I. The U.K. Disney Cultural Representative Program introduces more eager Disney dreamers into the most amazing year of their lives. It will be a part of me forever, and I know I’ll be writing about it for a long time.

6 thoughts on “There’s Life After Completing Your Biggest Dream?

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  1. Wonderful writing as always. You have had the most amazing year and have seen and done more than some people in a lifetime. Glad to see you home and here’s to your next adventure 😘😘


  2. Hi Lauren,

    I felt the same when I returned home lost but not lost. I got a temporary job in a bank and then another temporary job before doing a PGCE a year after I returned home. I’ve now been a teacher for 18 years and still love and live Disney every single day. I wear Minnie Mouse earrings and different pins on my work lanyard. My boys love Disney and think Anaheim is the best place in the world. Tomorrow I’m meeting up with my best girlfriend from Disney we not seen each other for 3 years. I’m on holiday near Glasgow where she lives. She will be telling me all about her recent WDW holiday. Whatever you do Disney will always be with you.


  3. I hope your year was as magical as you wanted it to be! I follow your Instagram and it looked like you had the most amazing time out there in the Disney bubble! Good luck in your next adventure whatever that may become to be!
    Keep following your floating lights!


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