5 Tips and Tricks to Cure Your Travel Boredom

The thought of boarding a plane, a long car journey, or any form of travel may make you feel instantly tired. It’s not appealing to sit for hours on end with nothing to do. Here’s 5 ways to entertain yourself in desperate travel times:


1. Download Netflix

  • If you don’t own a Netflix account, I’m sure you’ll have a family member or friend who will be willing to share theirs for literally a day or two. Load up the app on your phone, tablet, or whatever technology that’s popular nowadays. You can select a movie or tv series, and press ‘download’. Using WiFi, Netflix will save that media to your account – which allows you to access it whenever you want! You don’t need WiFi or data to watch hours of tv. The only thing is, the media will expire after 24 hours once you’ve started watching it. Put your headphones in and settle down for a movie to pass the time. 

 2. Don’t Feel Like You Can’t Talk 

  • I’ve been on enough flights to know that it’s okay to be yourself, and to relax. Whether you’re travelling alone, or with a group that can’t stop giggling, you’re allowed to have fun. Just make sure you remain respectful for those around you. A conversation with the lovely older lady sat next to you, or the child dressed as your favourite Disney character, will make their journey better just as much as it will make yours.

3. One Book Isn’t Enough 

  • You may have packed a book you picked up from the local charity shop, or snagged a read you’ve been urgently waiting for. Either way, you’re going to need at least one book. It can become tedious watching tv, or playing on a Nintendo DS (so 2004), so reading can be a good way to doze off. If you’re like me, you’ll be forcing yourself to stay awake to finish the next chapter. Take two books. You can read both, or try the second if you aren’t enjoying the first. 

4. Spotify Will Become Your Lifesaver 

  • ‘Music is the anthem of life’, my dad says. If you’re a Spotify member, you can download albums and songs instantly with WiFi (just like Netflix). Once downloaded, it doesn’t matter if you’re 10,000ft in the air, or on an underground train, you can chill out with your headphones in. I’d suggest downloading as much music as possible, so you have plenty of choice. 

5. Pack a toothbrush/deodorant 

  • Sitting still for a long time can make you feel groggy, unpleasant, and fed up. Taking a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste will brighten up your smile, and your aeroplane-snack breath. A little deodorant wouldn’t harm either. Freshening up will make you feel so much better. 

Most of all, remember that travelling is a part of your experience! Whether it be for your holiday or a work conference, try and chill out and remember how you can do it.

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