Your Instagram Should be About Your Happiness

Instagram – The most inspiring and addictive way to spend your free time. You can spend hours scrolling through pictures of social influencers, or adorable pictures of puppies. Instagram is fun, yet there is a severe issue of toxicity. It’s easy become insecure whilst comparing yourself, and your pictures, to others. This all comes down to the amount of followers you have, how many likes your posts get, or general interactions.

The reality is, YOUR Instagram content should make YOU happy. It’s true, the platform is a way to grow yourself and your followers. But it should be about sharing your interests, hobbies and talents, or whatever you want! From people who choose to post a captivating travel picture, to those who want to share what they had for dinner. Instagram is what you choose it to be.

When I created my Disneygram, @laurensfloatinglights, it was out of positivity and excitement. The name is inspired by Rapunzel chasing her ‘floating lights’ in Disney’s Tangled (2010). 

My aim was to share pictures from my Disney Cultural Representative Program in Walt Disney World, Florida. I was, and still am, very passionate about helping others achieve their dreams. My Instagram was the ideal way of showing other dreamers what they could do if they applied for the program. I wanted to help people with advice and their applications, as well as promote my blog.


Over the last couple of years, I have adored sharing my experiences of moving to the USA by myself. I use my Instagram content as a way of expressing the magic in my every day life! I’ve been able to communicate and interact with so many other Disney fans and travel lovers all over the world. That’s pretty remarkable. 

But social media is only a glimpse into someone’s life. After my Disney program ended, I didn’t think my followers would care about my posts anymore. I started to feel the pressure of posting on a regular basis, and worried daily about creating fresh, new content. I was exhausted after my super busy year, and social media wasn’t helping my mental health. 

So, I decided to confront my negative feelings. I haven’t been scrolling aimlessly through social media as much, or thinking, “Why hasn’t this post gotten as many likes as my last one?”. That kind of mentality can make you ill. I realised that the 2,000+ people that have followed my journey are a massive bonus, and have grown with me ever since. They have become my friends, and my moral support. People still want to be involved with my life despite the end of my Disney program. I don’t have to worry about trying to please others, as long as I keep myself happy.

It’s okay to switch off your phone for an hour or so, if that’s what it takes to feel at ease. Go out for dinner with your friends and try not to touch your phone at the table. Do something practical to cleanse your mind. I found it very helpful switching off my Instagram notifications. That way when I post a picture, I don’t check my phone every minute to see if it’s gotten much interaction. 

Another useful way of dealing with the pressure of Instagram is by only involving yourself with the content YOU like. You don’t need to conform to following certain people just because everyone else is. If you’re worried about your body image, don’t follow people who make you feel bad about it. They won’t be trying to do that intentionally, it’s as simple as you may not enjoy seeing their content. Hit that unfollow button. Don’t be afraid of having a sort out on social media.

Happiness is contagious, and it becomes just as addictive as your phone. If you post about your passions, you’ll realise that other people have the same interests too. Whatever you do, don’t let social media change who you are. You are worth more than that! See the world through your own eyes rather than through a filter.

4 thoughts on “Your Instagram Should be About Your Happiness

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  1. It’s so true Social media can start to take over you are so right it is okay to switch off. Sometimes you just need to live life away from everyone else and make memories with people. Beautiful writing as always thank you for sharing x

    Liked by 1 person

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