Essential Editing Tips for Perfecting Your Instagram Photos

It’s 2020, and pretty much everyone you know is on social media. Instagram, in particular, has been taking over the creative world for the last decade. 500 million users open the app daily! Since I created my Instagram (@laurensfloatinglights), I’ve experimented with how I edit content. Here are my top tips on how I edit my colourful and engaging photos.

My Favourite Editing App

Editing content comes down to what apps you use. It’s no good editing your posts only on Instagram, as you won’t get the best out of your photos. If anything, the app actually reduces the quality of your content. 

On iOS and Android, the free Adobe Lightroom mobile app is my go-to. I can’t recommend it enough. Transforming your photos, including tones and tints, is so easy. You can lighten the darkest of images, transforming them into a brand new image.


The Biggest Mistake to Avoid

Lighting is the most important aspect of a photo. However, some ‘grammers don’t know that they’re falling into the same trap as everyone else.

The BIGGEST mistake when editing lighting is turning the brightness and exposure up too much. Avoid this at all costs – you’re washing out the picture! Instead, make the shadows as light as possible. This takes away the darkness without sacrificing any colour. This tip has changed my Instagram game, and I’ve been using it ever since. 

Another common mistake, which I have to mention, is overusing filters. You’ll lose so much by drowning your picture in a basic Instagram filter. Take the time to play around with minor edits. 

How do I Edit Colours?

Your colour palette will attract followers, no matter how luminous or faded. When editing your photos, focus on the individual colour. Steer away from increasing saturation and vibrance alone. Changing the colour mixtures can make all the difference. Have a mess around with the hue, saturation, and luminance of each one. You can create a whole different vibe to your content. Example below:

Sharpen Your Skills

It seems basic, but sharpen your photos. I sharpen mine by +20, creating an edge to pictures without making them grainy. Try it!

Should I use a Preset?

A preset is a specific custom filter applied to a photo. The aim is to make your photo look a certain way so that you can blend it in with your feed. You may wonder how some influencers get their photos to look so professional, they use presets!

Adobe Lightroom has presets you can apply to your photos without any work. Apply it and watch your image transform. For customised editing, you can create your own preset too. Using a preset can create the aesthetically pleasing feed of your dreams.

It doesn’t matter if you decide to use a preset or not, as long as you’re happy with your images. Instagram should be about self-love, obsessing over what you post in tiny squares.

My friend, Ellie, known as Ellie Browne on YouTube and Instagram, uses a customised preset. Her feed is stunning, and a great example of how a preset can positively impact your images. I currently don’t use presets as I enjoy uniquely editing each image. They’ve been on my mind though, as they make your feed look professional. Both mine and Ellie’s content involve sunshine and lots of colours, but can you tell the difference?


Compare the Before and After

For tracking progress and getting a fresh view on a final edit, compare it with the original. Most of the time you’ll be astonished at how much better it looks after some TLC. Sometimes you’ll realise you’ve edited too much. This isn’t a bad thing! Simply retrack your steps and see what you want to change. Comparison creates your perfect image.

It’s all About You

No matter how long you spend editing and perfecting your Instagram photos, it’s all down to how you feel about them. I know that the amount of engagement your posts get can take over your life, even for a minute. Make your images what you want them to be. You should at least feel satisfied, if not proud. Experiment with what works best for you and the content you create. Try these editing tips, and let me know how you get on. Have fun!

Extra Editing Tips

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