6 Ways Your Life Will Change When You Move Out

moving out


Leaving home and starting a new chapter is one of the most refreshing things you’ll ever do. Having a place to yourself, or sharing with others, will teach you serious life lessons. Some great, some not-so-great. The truth is that the world becomes bigger, more accessible, and less scary. If you’re longing to move out, or nervous about taking the leap, here are 10 ways your life will change when you do.

Everything Will Become Second Nature to You

Beyond your childhood bedroom is a world waiting to be explored. Everywhere you go will become second nature to you. The local newsagents on the corner will become the shop. A road that you’d never walked down will become your usual route home. Over time, everything will feel natural about moving out.

You Create the Rules

Moving out gives you so much freedom. You can determine the rules, no matter if you’re in a new house or a rented bedroom. This is your opportunity to decide what goes where, and without anyone else having an input. Even if you’re renting, as long as you follow the basic rules you can make them your own. Respect your space and create your dream comfort zone.

You Can Eat What You Want When You Want

Part of how your life will change is how you treat your body. You can fill it with fresh food shopping or tonnes of takeaways. It’s officially up to you once you move out. As long as you’re kind to your body, eating will positively impact your life. No one can tell you not to eat cheese after midnight, which is a relief.

Doing Things You Never Thought Twice About at Home

When you live under the roof of your parent or guardian, you don’t realise the little things they do for you daily. Even if it’s washing the empty cups that have been building up in your room, you’ll have to do it yourself. This isn’t a bad thing! Small tasks will become a part of your everyday life, which you won’t even consider a chore. Something is rewarding about looking after yourself in your own environment.


Leaving the nest allows you to grow. You’ll face new challenges, become independent, and appreciate all the effort you put into your new life. Some people find it hard moving out, whereas others can’t wait for it. The important thing is that you give it your all, and see what person you become.  

You Will Cherish Time With Your Friends and Family Even More 

Being around your family at home doesn’t seem special if you see them every day. At least that’s what you think until you move out. Picking up the phone and calling your loved ones, or going over for a cup of tea, will be a treat. You can spend as much time with them as you want until heading back to your own place. There’s still that independence at the end of the day.


Remember that there’s no time limit for when you move out. A lot of people move away to university, but some don’t feel comfortable in leaving until much later. Go when you feel ready. Ignore society’s expectations and do what’s best for you. When you do move out, your life is only just getting started! 

Here’s some further advice for moving out:


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