6 Tips on Being Kind to Yourself During the Second Lockdown

If the first U.K. lockdown taught us anything, it’s that we need to be kind to ourselves. While everyone was following the banana bread trend and dancing on TikTok, most of us were feeling low. Now, months later, we’re going into a second lockdown. So, what should we do differently this time? What small steps can we take to ensure we protect our mental health?

Stop Putting Pressure on Yourself

A personal issue many of us face during lockdown is the overwhelming feeling to do miraculous things. You don’t have to redecorate your bedroom, take up a new hobby, or become a chef – especially if you’re working. Simply put: stop putting pressure on yourself. If you want to complete an online course or read a handful of books, do it because you want to.

Also, remember that people only share their highlights on social media. Just because Karen started yoga doesn’t mean you need to. Do whatever makes you feel content.

Create Daily Affirmations

Creating daily affirmations works wonders for your mental health. All you need to do is write a short list of positive thoughts in the morning or before bed. Simply write them on your phone or in a notebook. The list can state things such as:

  • I am proud of myself
  • I am doing the best I can
  • I am good enough

The aim of affirmations is to think optimistically and focus on self-care. If you read something everyday, you might start to believe it. Writing daily affirmations has helped me so much, so, you should give it a try. Make sure they’re personal to you!

Celebrate the Little Things

You had breakfast? Great! You got through another week at work? Good for you! Celebrating the little things is a wonderful way to be kind to yourself. We are living in a confusing time with a lot of uncertainty. Sometimes you might be productive and sometimes you might want to binge movies. Everyone has good and bad days, the key thing is to not punish yourself for the latter. Instead, celebrate what you achieved.

Say No to Hours of Screen Time

One of the horrors of the first lockdown was the amount of time we spent scrolling on our phones. Although, we can’t deny that screen time helps us connect to our friends and family that we’re not allowed to be with due to COVID-19. However, make sure the time you’re spending on social media is making you feel inspired. We can become addicted to the basic entertainment value of our phones.

Why don’t you spend at least an hour a day saying no to screen time? Sometimes, I purposefully type in my iPhone password incorrectly so I’ll be locked out of my phone for an hour. This sounds extreme, but, you need to give your brain (and eyes) a rest.

Be Kind to Others Too

Even though many of us will be working from home, there are thousands of employees that still have to go out to their job. When you’re standing in a queue getting your essential food shop, think about the staff who have had to work overtime to stock the shelves. Before you complain about boredom and longing to get back to the pub, remember the NHS staff who haven’t slept properly since the beginning of the year! During the second lockdown, be kind to others too. You never know what someone is going through.

Please Reach Out

Finally, you can be kind to yourself by confiding in someone. With winter heading our way and days being a lot darker, please reach out if you’re struggling. You don’t have to go through anything alone and I can guarantee you aren’t the only one who is feeling deflated. Here are a few ways you can reach out to someone:

  • Text or call someone you know.
  • NHS Mental Health Helpline – 24-hour advice and support, talk a mental health professional, discuss an assessment to help decide on the best course of care.
  • Text ‘SHOUT‘ to 85258 – This is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text from wherever you are in the UK.
  • Samaritans – Their job is to make sure someone is always there. You can call any time, email, or write a letter, or download their self-help app.

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