Extremely Tasty and Easy to Bake Cookie Recipe

I wanted to experiment with my non-existent baking skills for a long time. This comes from my admiration for the comedy gold that is 'The Great British Bake Off'. Seems as though I have a lot of spare time due to isolation, I thought I'd bake something. Little did I know I'd be following a... Continue Reading →

Why You Should Start a Blog Even if You’re Not a Writer

Becoming a blogger is one of the best things you could ever do for yourself. Especially if you've never written a piece before. Starting a blog allows you to express your opinions, adventures, and beliefs in your own way. It's a place to be whoever you want to be. Your blog becomes a second home,... Continue Reading →

10 Productive Ways to Spend Time at Home

Staying at home and having a lengthy amount of time to yourself is rare. Considering 2020 needs a rain check right now, we need to give ourselves a chance to re-energise. Rather than being stuck inside and restricted with what you can do, there are many ways to stay productive and positive behind closed doors. ... Continue Reading →

22 Dreams I’ve Already Achieved

Queue the Taylor Swift music. 'I'm feeling 22' because tomorrow is my birthday! Another year around the sun. Whether you find birthdays fun or a real drag, it's the perfect time to reflect on what you've achieved. I can't help but wonder if I've done enough with my life thus far. To celebrate my birthday,... Continue Reading →

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