Why You Should Start a Blog Even if You’re Not a Writer

Becoming a blogger is one of the best things you could ever do for yourself. Especially if you've never written a piece before. Starting a blog allows you to express your opinions, adventures, and beliefs in your own way. It's a place to be whoever you want to be. Your blog becomes a second home,... Continue Reading →

22 Dreams I’ve Already Achieved

Queue the Taylor Swift music. 'I'm feeling 22' because tomorrow is my birthday! Another year around the sun. Whether you find birthdays fun or a real drag, it's the perfect time to reflect on what you've achieved. I can't help but wonder if I've done enough with my life thus far. To celebrate my birthday,... Continue Reading →

Why I’m Never Letting go of 2019

It's time to say goodbye to the final year of my Disney Cultural Representative Program. 2019 has been a wonderful year, and I'll always relive it through my memories. Until the end of April, I was still living and working in Walt Disney World. I sweated in my cute costume whilst serving guests in Epcot's... Continue Reading →

Why it’s Okay to Visit Disney Parks Alone

Whenever you see adverts for Disney parks, it always features ecstatic smiling families, couples, and people spending time together. Although, you know that Disney is for everybody, and it is 100% okay to the parks on your own.  Despite the stereotype of it being a family-friendly place, which it certainly is, it’s also the ideal... Continue Reading →

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