8 Ways Travelling Benefits Your Mind and Creates Happiness

There is nothing more important in the world than making sure you feel good. Travel is the perfect way to open your mind to exploring and creating positive vibes. From opening your creativity to motivating your hobbies. I've gained so much independence and pride from travelling. Embracing new places and cultures shapes you into an... Continue Reading →

5 Tips and Tricks to Cure Your Travel Boredom

The thought of boarding a plane, a long car journey, or any form of travel may make you feel instantly tired. It’s not appealing to sit for hours on end with nothing to do. Here’s 5 ways to entertain yourself in desperate travel times: 1. Download Netflix If you don’t own a Netflix account, I’m... Continue Reading →

How I Spent 12 Days in Toronto, Canada

Canada is known for its natural beauty, maple syrup, and friendly folks. For so long I'd wanted to explore the second largest country in the world! But what part of Canada do you head to first? I was immediately drawn to Toronto, Ontario, the home of thriving culture. I'm fortunate enough to have stayed with... Continue Reading →

DCRP: We Create Happiness

I'm now a Walt Disney World Cast Member, a Universal Orlando Annual Premier Pass holder, and a Wirral girl living in Florida! I've been in Orlando for a week now, and today I finished another class at Disney University. DISNEY UNIVERSITY. I'm studying how to create happiness in the place where dreams come true. Obviously... Continue Reading →


It's February 5th, and in 3 months time I'll be on my way to Florida. Yikes! There's plenty to be done over the next 89 days, but I'm pleased to say I'm a very organised person, so it won't be a problem. I've already booked my one-way flight to the sunshine state! At 10:30am on... Continue Reading →

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