Petting Puppies and Happily Ever After Fireworks Feels

A Star Wars themed welcome event, getting Cast Member discounts in Starbucks, petting puppies, and watching the Happily Ever After Fireworks in Magic Kingdom. Honestly, what is my life? Today is my second day off during my third week living in Walt Disney World, Orlando. I'm now earning my ears for my boss, Mickey Mouse,... Continue Reading →

DCRP: We Create Happiness

I'm now a Walt Disney World Cast Member, a Universal Orlando Annual Premier Pass holder, and a Wirral girl living in Florida! I've been in Orlando for a week now, and today I finished another class at Disney University. DISNEY UNIVERSITY. I'm studying how to create happiness in the place where dreams come true. Obviously... Continue Reading →


It's February 5th, and in 3 months time I'll be on my way to Florida. Yikes! There's plenty to be done over the next 89 days, but I'm pleased to say I'm a very organised person, so it won't be a problem. I've already booked my one-way flight to the sunshine state! At 10:30am on... Continue Reading →

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