Sightseeing with Long-Distance Friends in Seattle

Something that draws me to a city even more than it’s culture, food, and sights, is if I have friends who live there! I love travelling up and down the U.K. to see people in their hometowns, and that’s something I’ve had the pleasure of doing in the US, too. With the Space Needle on... Continue Reading →

What I’ve Been Upto in The Sunshine State and Beyond

6 weeks left with the Orlando sun beaming down on my freckly face. Everything seems very surreal at the moment. I’m savouring every second spent in Walt Disney World, as it’s really not long until the end of my program.  With little time left, I’ve been very, very busy! February began with a girls trip... Continue Reading →

A Week in Paradise

Paradise to you might be a vacation filled with sunshine, time off from work to unwind, or binging the latest Netflix craze. My week in paradise was when I was able to laugh with my boyfriend, Adam, in person again. On January 24th, I was filled with nerves waiting in the arrivals area of Orlando... Continue Reading →

Flying Solo to Washington DC

My heart is heavily attached to how much pride I feel when I travel. I feel a sense of overbearing passion, and achievement for myself. It’s soul-cleansing. It gives my mind a clean slate. After a hectic holiday period, and turning 21, I whisked myself away to the capital: Washington DC. Tuesday January 8th, I... Continue Reading →

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